In partnership with the Kintsugi Therapist Collective, of which Avigail is member of the Embodied Private Practice Cohort 4.
Group: Fertility, Queerness and Care Work
This group is ongoing. If you’d like to apply to join, we may be able to accommodate you — please email me to let me know about your interest!
Fertility, Queerness and Care Work is a peer support process group for any mental health care worker involved in a (in)fertility process: as a donor, a gestational or non-gestational parent, a person inducing lactation — any of the ways we involve our body minds in the processes of reproduction and cross-generational care WHILE trying to conceive (TTC), pregnancy or postpartum — who wants to ground in a rich understanding of how reproductive processes intensify our complex relationships to care work, both personal and professional. Learn more here.