Gemma Breit (she/her), LMSW, is a licensed therapist practicing in Brooklyn. She holds a Masters degree from Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College and has a background in harm reduction and identity based violence.
She specializes in working with the LGBTQIA+ community and people who are looking for support around their substance use, and utilizes harm reduction, trauma-informed and anti-oppressive frameworks in combination with a relational approach.
Gemma believes that therapy provides a unique opportunity to cultivate the experiences of connection and community that are integral to living and growing, and strives to do so through the creation of a space that is non-judgmental, destigmatizing, and collaborative.
Gemma also offers trainings and consultations for individuals, practices, and organizations in substance use related harm reduction, intimate partner violence, and/or the intersection between the two. She will tailor the topics and curriculum to your areas of interest and need. Pricing is determined on a case-by-case basis. Gemma started her work in harm reduction in 2011 doing street based outreach in Philly before moving back to NYC and becoming a peer outreach worker and then the outreach specialist at The Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center. While in social work school she interned in The LGBT Center's recovery program, and for the four years prior to starting private practice she was a clinician and then the manager of the clinical program at the NYC Anti-Violence Project, where she organized and lead all of the substance use and harm reduction related programming. Gemma knows how very limited realistic and nonjudgmental clinical support is for people who use substances outside of inpatient programs, and feels very passionately about supporting the community.
Contact Gemma at
Former supervisees include:
Somaly Nou, LCSW
Sam Steinbock, LCSW
Bryana Ziegler, LCSW
If you’re interested in joining my practice, please send me an email with your resume and a brief introductory note.